Sunday, August 21, 2016

[CS3216] First week of the first assignment

The module got intense just in the first week. Because I was not in Singapore in my first week, I was randomly matched with other fellows for my assignment 1 . My team includes Hiep, Thang, Thien and me. Surprisingly all of my teammates are my well known friends, so I think it will be easier for us to cooperate. We immediately started our project after our team is formed.

In my view, it is a pretty good team. Thien and Hiep are very familiar with React front-end framework while I and Thang gain some experience with back-end. The drawback of full tech team is that we might not have proper design and comfortable user experience. To handle it, we carefully discuss with each other for every upcoming feature so that we can have different perspective and find the best way to make our users enjoyable.

Our first task was to think about what application we should build for assignment 1. After coming up with many creative and unique ideas, carefully considering the feasibility and usefulness of each one, we all agree on photo joining application. The concept is about combining 2 photos, one from the user and one from his friend, into a special photo that can be later shared on Facebook. This idea will very interesting because of its sociability and doesn't require much work to be delivered.

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